
How To Fix My Water Pressure

If you suddenly find that the water pressure in your home has decreased, there are a few things you will want to check and try.

Single Fixture

Before you do anything, check that the lack of water pressure is not due to just one single faucet. Sometimes it can be the sink in the bathroom on the first floor that lacks pressure, while the ground floor sink in the kitchen is just fine.

Reasons why this is happening could include:

  • There is a clog in the plumbing which could be due to hair or a foreign object.
    Make sure that there isn’t a leak in the pipes that leads up to the fixture.
  • Is the washer dislodged? Fitting a new washer can restore the tightness between the pipes.
  • Is the valve working properly? A stuck valve prevents decent air pressure to be let out and thus produces weaker pressure.

House-Wide Lack of Pressure

If the whole house has a lack of pressure then go to your water meter to have a look. There should be a shut-off valve on the meter, and you’ll want to make sure that it is properly open. It could be loose which causes it to switch back and forth, so tighten it if you can.

Does your home have a water pressure regulator? This can let you know if the pressure is as it should be. It uses a valve at the mains to measure how much pressure is coming to the house.

If you don’t have a water pressure regulator and your mains are properly open, then your options have narrowed. You may not have the ability to measure the pressure but if the mains are open, you should wait until you have done other checks before returning to it.

Ask The Neighbors

Ask if your neighbors are having an issue with their water pressure. Neighborhoods all receive their water from the same mains, so if you hear other households are having similar issues, you may need to call the water supply company.

 Clearing Clogs

One way to possibly return water pressure to your home is to unclog every pipe you can. Take apart the plumbing under sinks and baths to remove any debris that might be causing a blockage.

 When All Else Fails

If you have done all of the things above and water pressure still hasn’t made its return to your home, then you should call in some water line specialists. We’ll arrive on the scene with equipment that can inspect and unblock your plumbing and mains. We’ll also check your drain system, mains pressure regulator and mains valve.

We’ve been supporting local residents for almost 30 years and we don’t plan on slowing down. If you have any water pressure issues in your home, feel free to contact us today to get a FREE quote.
