
Water Main Break

What To Do When There's A Water Main Break

A water main break can cause a lot of damage and a lot of headaches. Here are some tips on what to do if you experience one.

Contact A Plumber

The first step to take when a water main break occurs is to contact your local plumber. The plumber will inspect the home and determine if there is any property damage. The cost of repairing the property damage caused by a water main break can be taken care of by the city or town that maintains the pipe, but this usually takes some time.

Preventing Water Main Breaks

The best way to deal with a water main break is not having one at all! There are some measures you can take in order to reduce the likelihood of experiencing one on your property. Make sure your irrigation system is properly maintained so that it does not put undue stress on aging pipes; flush out any standing water from sprinkler heads after use; check for signs of leaks around outdoor faucets or hose bibs frequently; and ensure any trees planted near underground pipes are well-maintained so that roots don’t interfere with them over time.

What To Do if You Have A Water Main Break

If you detect signs of a water main break on your property—such as flooding, noise coming from underground pipes, or unusually high water bills—take swift action right away! Contact your local utility provider immediately and follow their instructions on how to proceed. Depending on the severity of the break, they may suggest having a professional come out and assess the situation before attempting any repairs yourself. The team at Fuller-Wente, Inc has experience in assessing this kind of situation, and can offer advice on how to move forward with proper repairs.

What Causes Water Main Breaks?

Water mains are made of cast iron or plastic pipes that run underneath city streets to provide clean drinking water to homes and businesses. Despite their durability, these pipes are subject to wear and tear over time due to age and corrosion. They can also be compromised by extreme weather conditions such as freezing temperatures or heavy rains. When the pressure from these circumstances is too great for the pipe to handle, it can rupture, resulting in a water main break.

How To Fix My Water Pressure

If you suddenly find that the water pressure in your home has decreased, there are a few things you will want to check and try.